Calendar archive for Week One.
Calendar archive for Week Two.
Calendar archive for Week Three.
Calendar archive for Week Four.
Advance calendar for July and August.
This Week
Our T-shirt Logo T-shirt Logo by Lorna Salaman and Mark Flider. Ordering details here.
Monday 09jul01
10:00 REL (3414 BI) Advanced Tutorial on illiSkel
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute) Progress on Coaster, Blui, etc
2:00 grafiXlab Workshop: Planning the Week Settle on T-Shirt Design
Tuesday 10jul01
10:00 REL (3414 BI) Advanced Tutorial on illiSkel.
11:00 REL (3414 BI) Workshop: Maya to OpenGL; Dave Bock, Parkland College
1:00 grafiXlab Workshop: Distributed Graphics, Syzygy Demo; M.Woodruff, B.Bernard
2:00 grafiXlab Proseminar: Beowulf Clusters; Dr. Stan Blank, Wayne City Highschool.
3:30 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute) Demo for Stan and Kurtis Blank
Wednesday 11jul01
10:00 REL (3414 BI) Advanced Tutorial on illiSkel.
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute) Dr. Marija Bogdanovich, Rector of the U. Belgrade, and students
3:00 grafiXlab Proseminar:
Mathematical Finance---Binomial Methods for Financial Derivatives.
; Prof. Richard Sowers; (Summary.
Thursday 12jul01
1:00 grafiXlab Workshop:Binocular stereo in Irix and OpenGL ; Matt Hall
3:00 grafiXlab Proseminar:Modeling Advective Diffusion with Parabolic PDEs ; Prof. Jared Bronski
8:00 CAVE (3414 BI)Workshop.
Friday 13jul01
10:00 REL (3414 BI) Advanced Tutorial on illiSkel.
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute)