Sunday 10jun01 Get-acquainted supper chez Francis, 6pm.
Monday 11jun01
10:00 grafiXlab (102 Altgeld) Housekeeping (keys, accounts, BI keycards etc)
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute)
2:00 grafiXlab (102 AH) "Welcome to illiMath 2001", G. Francis
3:00 grafiXlab Proseminar: Rescalable Real-Time Interactive Computer Animation, John Sullivan.
Tuesday 12jun01
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute)
2:00 ISL (4th floor east BI) Proseminar: "Visit the CUBE", Ben Schaeffer
4:00 grafiXlabProseminar: TBA.
Wednesday 13jun01
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute)
3:00 grafiXlab Proseminar:Volodymyr Kindratenko, "CAVE Navigation"
Thursday 14jun01
3:00 grafiXlab Proseminar:Bishop Frames,
Paul McCreary, Ben Farmer
Friday 15jun01
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute)
2:00 pm grafiXlab Proseminar: Son & Lumiere, Prof. Guy
Garnette, Music School, UIUC
3:30 pm grafiXlab Proseminar: Project Eight-Stones ,
Mark Flider, Doug Nachand, Matt Woodruff.