Calendar archive for Week One.
Calendar archive for Week Two.
Calendar archive for Week Three.
Advance calendar for July and August.
This Week
Monday 02jul01
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute) Progress on Coaster, Blui, etc
2:00 grafiXlab Workshop: Planning the Week Everybody ... Tutti
3:00 grafiXlab Proseminar: Early Sphere Eversions George Francis
Tuesday 03jul01
10:00 REL (3414 BI) Tutorial on illiSkel.
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute)
2:00 grafiXlab Proseminar: soniBlui; Mike Pelsmajer
3:00 grafiXlab Workshop: Sonification w. VSS ; B. Shanbaum
4:00 grafiXlab Workshop: Sonification w. Csound and OpenAl; B. Shanbaum
8:00 Rm 245 AH illiFilm: Mathematical Videos
Wednesday 04jul01
Fourth of July ... paid Holiday ... don't miss the
1:15 Fourth of July Parade, Lincoln at Illinois and South.
9:15 Fireworks, West of the Football Stadium.
Thursday 05jul01
3:00 grafiXlab Proseminar:Kairomone; Lorna Salaman.
4:00 grafiXlab Workshop: Updates on CUBE projects: Alice and Syzygy
8:00 CAVE (3414 BI)Workshop.
Friday 06jul01
10:00 REL (3414 BI) Tutorial on illiSkel.
11:00 CAVE (3514 Beckman Institute)
3:00 pm grafiXlab Proseminar: Manifolds Branched over Knots John Sullivan.
4:00 grafiXlab Workshop: Narnia Project John Sullivan