About this page
This page is meant to serve as a step by step demonstration for the Two by Two Layer Method. The text will be centered more so on explaining the project, rather than explaining the Method. The algorithms for the Layer Method comes with every cube, or can easily be found online.
In the link provided, the algortihms given refer to the face that that is closest as the front face. On my Cube in the gifs, the red face will always be refered to as the front face. It is given like this because the algortihms can be used on any face, so once you learn it on the front face, you can just rotate the cube and change which face is the front relative to you. To stay consistent to the colors that the linked site is using, the Cube will be flipped for the first step so that yellow appears on top. However, in the rotations provided, it still treats red as the front and white as the top. The Cube will be flipped to its original orientation right after step one.
To follow along with the colors in the animation, scramble the cube with the following rotations. (In my program, call scenario() in the console.)
Step 1: Solving the First Layer
In this step, we will solve four corner pieces, or one layer. In this case, we will solve yellow first.
(In my program, call step1() in the console.
- //All corners will be paired with yellow
- D(); Bcc(); // solves the red blue corner
- D(); Rcc(); D(); F(); D(); D(); Fcc(); //solves the green purple corner
- Bcc(); D(); B();//solves the blue purple corner
Step 2: Orienting the Last Layer
In this step, the rest of the pieces will be set to their correct orientations. This will naturally solve the white face.
(In my program, call step2 in the console.
- R(); R(); D(); D(); R(); D(); D(); R(); R(); //Use the correct algorithm
Step 3: Last Layer Location
Since there we already have the pieces in the correct orientation, all that is left to do is to place the pieces in the correct location. In our case, it can be done without an algorithm. It's very simple (Sometimes, the Cube is already set up correctly and you don't need to perform the algorithm)
(In my program, call step3() in the console. (But you should be able to figure out another way to do it.)
- U(); // Use common sense!
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Two by Two Rubik Cube!