About this page

This page is meant to serve as a step by step demonstration for the Three by Three Layer Method. The text will be centered more so on explaining the project, rather than explaining the Method. The algorithms for the Layer Method come with every cube, or can easily be found online.

In the link provided, the algortihms given refer to the face that that is closest as the front face. On my Cube in the gifs, the red face will always be refered to as the front face. It is given like this because the algortihms can be used on any face, so once you learn it on the front face, you can just rotate the cube and change which face is the front relative to you. Also, notice that in step three, the cube was flipped (now, yellow is on the top) for easier viewing of the remianing scrambled sides. However, in the rotations provided, it still treats red as the front and white as the top.


To follow along with the colors in the animation, scramble the cube with the following rotations. (In my program, call specificScramble() in the console.)

R(); L(); U(); Fcc(); R(); B();

Step 1: White Cross

In this step, we will solve the edge pieces on one face, in this case, white.

(In my program, call whiteCross() in the console.

    //All corners will be paired with white
  • Ucc(); // solves the red edge
  • D(); D(); F(); Dcc(); Fcc(); //solves the red blue corner
  • R(); Dcc(); Rcc(); //solves the blue purple corner
  • Dcc(); Fcc(); D(); F(); //solves the red green corner

Step 2: White Corners

In this step, the white layer will be solved by putting in the white corners in the correct position.

(In my program, call whiteCorners() in the console.

    //All corners will be paired with white
  • D(); Lcc(); Dcc(); L(); //solves the purple green corner
  • D(); D(); F(); Dcc(); Fcc(); //solves the red blue corner
  • R(); Dcc(); Rcc(); //solves the blue purple corner
  • Dcc(); Fcc(); D(); F(); //solves the red green corner

Step 3: Middle Layer

In this step, the middle layer will be completed by solving the non-yellow edges. Notice that since we have solved the white side and will no longer be needing to focus on it, we turn the cube upside down so that it would be easier to see the remaining scrambled up sides.

(In my program, call middleLayer() in the console.

  • D(); L(); Dcc(); Lcc(); Dcc(); Fcc(); D(); F(); //solves red green edge
  • D(); D(); //sets up next algorithm
  • F(); Dcc(); Fcc(); Dcc(); Rcc(); D(); R(); //solves the red blue edge
  • R(); Dcc(); Rcc(); Dcc(); Bcc(); D(); B(); //solves the blue purple edge
  • Lcc(); D(); L(); D(); B(); Dcc(); Bcc(); /*take out the green purple edge
    *Since this is the only edge that needs to be solve, we just call the algorithm to take the piece out.*/
  • D(); //set up the next algorithm
  • Lcc(); D(); L(); D(); B(); Dcc(); Bcc(); // solves the purple green piece

Step 4: Yellow Cross

In this step, we will solve the opposite cross from our original side, in this case yellow

(In my program, call yellowCross() in the console.

    //The cube is already set up for the algorithm
  • R(); F(); D(); Fcc(); Dcc(); Rcc(); //solves the yellow cross

Step 5: Yellow Edges

In this step, we will put the yellow edges into their correct location. In the case of the demonstration, we do not need this specific algorithm as they are already all in their solved positions. However, if we perform the same algorithm enough times, we will come to back to our original position.

(In my program, call yellowEdges() in the console.

    //The cube is already set up for the algorithm.
  • R(); U(); Rcc(); U(); R(); U(); U(); Rcc(); U(); //algorithm performed once
  • R(); U(); Rcc(); U(); R(); U(); U(); Rcc(); U(); //algorithm performed twice
  • R(); U(); Rcc(); U(); R(); U(); U(); Rcc(); U(); //algorithm performed thrice
  • R(); U(); Rcc(); U(); R(); U(); U(); Rcc(); U(); //algorithm performed four times

Step 6: Yellow Corners Location

In this step, we will put the yellow corners into their appropriate location.

(In my program, call yellowCornerLocation() in the console.

    //The cube is already set up for the algorithm on the green purple corner
  • D(); B(); Dcc(); Fcc(); D(); Bcc(); Dcc(); F();

Step 7: Yellow Corners Orientation

In this step, we will solve the Cube! This will be done by changing the orientation of the yellow corners. This is also the most satisfying step. It seems as though you have messed up all of your hard work, but stick to it!

(In my program, call yellowCornersOrientation() in the console.

    //The algorithm is always either performed once or twice
  • Rcc(); Ucc(); R(); U(); Rcc(); Ucc(); R(); U(); //algorithm performed twice
  • D(); //Set up next algorithm
  • Rcc(); Ucc(); R(); U(); Rcc(); Ucc(); R(); U(); //algorithm performed two more times
  • D(); //Set up next algorithm
  • Rcc(); Ucc(); R(); U(); Rcc(); Ucc(); R(); U(); //algorithm performed two more times
  • D(); D(); //Solve the Cube!!

Congratulations on solving the Rubik Cube!