Jordan Bohall's Teaching Page

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Courses I have/am currently taught/teaching:


Grader : History of Ancient Philosophy


Grader : Early Modern History (Spring 2015)
TA : Introduction to Ethics (Fall 2014)
TA : Logic and Reasoning - QR II (Spring 2014)
Grader : Symbolic Logic (Fall 2013)
Grader : Early Modern History (Fall 2013)
TA : Logic and Reasoning - QR II (Spring 2013)
TA : Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2012)
Instructor : Introduction to Critical Thinking (Spring 2012)
TA : Metaphysics (Fall 2011)
TA : Philosophy of Language (Fall 2011)
TA : Medical Ethics (Spring 2011)
TA : Formal Logic (Spring 2011)
TA : Formal Logic (Fall 2010)
TA : General Psychology (Spring 2009)
Grader : Symbolic Logic (Fall 2007)