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Below are a number of links to rudimentary animations and drawings that I have developed in HTML5 Canvas and Javascript. They range from simple boxes moving across a screen to drawings of a visual proof of the pythagorean theorem. Click below to check them out!
Click here for a visualization of a proof by rearrangement of the pythagorean theorem, an animated visualization of the required lengths of the sides of a right triangle, and a calculator that informs the length of side "c" from sides "a" and "b".
Click here to see a group of triangles move across the screen before returning in the opposite direction when they reach the edge of the canvs!
Click here to see a group of boxes come together in the middle of the screen.
Click here to witness a triangle translate in a nearly three-dimensional way while also quickly cycling through three colors.
Click here to witness a box move across a grid.
Click here to see a really nice recursion tree!