Update 1
- Set up and did a little bit of styling on website
- Set up a html canvas for the 2D maze and started a javascript script for it
- Implemented method headers for the four methods of maze creation and a rough system for drawing a maze
To-Do for Next Update:
- Draft and finalize final proposal [Do ASAP]
- Complete functions for 2D maze and add more user options
- Edit the maze drawing code so that the walls are thin and not full blocks
Update 2
- Edited the 2D maze drawing code such that the walls are now thin.
To-Do for Next Update:
- Draft and finalize final proposal [Do ASAP]
- Complete functions for 2-D maze and add more user options
Update 3
- Completed the recursive backtrack method for the 2D maze
- Completed a more polished draft of the proposal (and hopefully close to final draft)
To-Do for Next Update:
- Complete remainder of 2D maze functions
- Set up 3D maze display
Update 4
- Redid how the maze was stored to make it easier to draw and generate
- Completed the recursive division method, Prim's Algorith, and the Growing Tree for the 2D maze
- Created 3D.js file as a copy of 2D.js; converted the generation and cell object to 3D
To-Do for Next Update:
- Write a solve function for 2D and 3D
- Update proposal based on feedback
Update 5
- Completed depth-first solver for 2D and 3D mazes
- Updated proposal and scrapped 4D
To-Do for Next Update:
- Add 2D maze controls to solve and move maze
- Set up 3D maze display
Update 6
- Add WASD controls to allow the user to solve the 2D maze
- Added colored cells for the 2D maze to denote start, end, solution, visited, and current position
- Decided to use three.js for 3D maze display; can display the outer surface of a rectangular prism
To-Do for Next Update:
- Add 2D maze controls to move maze
- Figure out method to view and solve 3D maze
Update 7
- Added mouse controls to zoom and translated 2D maze
- Added buttons and text boxes below the maze canvas to alter Growing Tree parameters and maze size for 2D and 3D maze
- Decided to do a focused layer system for the 3D maze
- Added controls to toggle between normal 3D view and focused layer view
- Added controls to increment and decrement the layers
- Added mouse controls to rotate and zoom the 3D maze
To-Do for Next Update:
- Implement way to detect which face is being viewed so that the focused layer can be applied to each face
- Implement a 3D user solving
Update 8
- Bug fixes with mouse controls on Firefox and IE
- Added way to detect current face for 3D maze
- Finished focused layer system for the 3D maze
- Added way to solve 3D maze with WASD and focused layer system
To-Do for Next Update:
- Clean up code, comment code, and fix bugs
- Final documentation
- Final presentation
Update 9
- Commented Code
- Updated Website
- Finished final documentation
- Finished final presentation
To-Do for Next Update: