1:30pm Monday 8 May 2001
Matt Young, hyperRubik On the 3 and 4-dimensional Rubik's Cube
2:00pm Monday 7 May 2001
Colin Winter, graviPong Projectile Motion under Gravity.
2:30pm Monday 7 May 2001
Matt Rakher, LicaToo An OpenGL implementation of Chris Hartman's LInear Cellular Automata (LICA).
3:00pm Monday 7 May 2001
Ed Pernicka, N-body Problem
A real-time, interactive solution of the equations of motion.
3:30pm Monday 7 May 2001
Imran Rashid, soniCA Sonification of Cellular Automata in Csound and OpenAL.
1:30pm Wednesday 9 May 2001
Tuan Bui, fiSHarks Simulation of a Predator-Prey Model.
2:00pm Wednesday 9 May 2001
Ryan Giordano,
Vorteces Point Vortex Motion
2:30pm Wednesday 9 May 2001
Daniel Go, simSims Karl Sims' Evolving Virtual Creatures
3:00 pm Wednesday 9 May 2001
Mark Murphey, Tetris4D History and Functionality of G. Kaiser's 4D Tetris RTICA.
3:30pm Wednesday 9 May 2001
Ben Bernard, hyperTetris G. Kaiser's 4D Tetris in OpenGL
4:00pm Wednesday 9 May 2001
Mike Hewner, fOOrth Object Oriented Forth.