Reference Papers
Stephen Wolfram
- S. Wolfram. Cellular automaton fluids 1: Basic theory. Journal of Statistical Physics, 45(3):471–526, 1986. (pdf)
- S. Wolfram. Cellular automation supercomputing. 1988. (html)
- S. Wolfram. Minimal cellular automaton approximations to continuum systems. In Stephen Wolfram, editor, Cellular Automata and Complexity: collected papers. Addison-Wesley, 1994. (html)
- S. Wolfram. Statistical mechanics of cellular automata. Reviews of Modern Physics, 55(3):601–644, 1983. (pdf)
- N.H. Packard and S. Wolfram. Two-dimensional cellular automata. Journal of Statistical Physics, 38(5):901–946, 1985. (pdf)
- S. Wolfram. Twenty problems in the theory of cellular automata. Physica Scripta, 9:170–183, 1985. (html)
- J.B. Salem and S. Wolfram. Thermodynamics and hydrodynamics with cellular automata. Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata. World Scientific, 1986. (html)
Notable Papers
- Frisch, U., Hasslacher, B., and Pomeau, Y. (1986). Lattice-gas automata for the navier-stokes equation. Physical Review Letters, 56(14):1505+. (pdf)
- U. Frisch, D. d’Humieres, B. Hasslacher, P. Lallemand, Y. Pomeau, and J-P. Rivet. Lattice gas hydrodynamics in two and three dimensions. In Doolen et al. (pdf)
- HASSLACHER, B. 1987. Discrete fluids. Los Alamos Sci. 15, Special Issue, 175–217. (pdf)
Review Papers
- Boghosian, B. M. 1999. Lattice gases and cellular automata. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 16, 2–3 (Dec. 1999), 171–185. (pdf)
Parallel Computing
- Margolus et al., “Cellular-Automata Supercomputers for Fluid-Dynamics Modeling,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 56, No. 16, pp. 1694–1696 (Apr. 1986) (pdf)
files/Lattice-gas automata fluids on parallel supercomputers.pdf
- Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter. Lattice-Gas Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Models: an Introduction. Santa Clara: Springer-Verlag TELOS, 2000. (pdf)