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Public Presentations of Math 198 Projects, 2003

Rennaissance Experimental Lab of the NCSA
Room 3414 Beckman Institute
Consult this site for any schedule changes.

Monday, 14 May 2003

2:30pm Monday 12 May 2003 Brett Witt illiCloth

3:00pm Monday 12 May 2003 Jake Abry illiPascal
A mathematical exploration of Pascal's triangle and tetrahedron.

3:30pm Monday 12 May 2003 Joel Hunsley illiAnim
An interactive animation creating and viewing tool in OpenGL.

4:00pm Monday 12 May 2003 Jason Eisenhauer Family Genetics
This program tracks N generations of a family with user chosen parental genotype in a user chosen population (Adam and Eve).

4:30pm Monday 12 May 2003 Vilas Dhar illiDol
A framework for exploring Lindenmayer Systems in 3 Dimensions.

Tuesday, 13 May 2003

2:30pm Tuesday 13 May 2003 William Baker illiHedron
A real-time interactive CAVE animation of the permutahedron and the associahedron.

3:00pm Tuesday 13 May 2003 Alex Rein Newton's Method
An interactive program to view Julia sets of Newton's Method in the complex plane.

3:30pm Tuesday 13 May 2003 Andy Schwieter illiBarnsley
Fractals generated by Michael Barnsley's multiple reduction copy machine method.

4:00pm Tuesday 13 May 2003 Chris Appuhn illiCat
An articulated animation of a Blobby Cat in OpenGL.

4:30pm Tuesday 13 May 2003 Brian Petrus illiCell
Cellular automata in 3 dimensions.

Wednesday, 14 May 2003

2:30pm Wednesday 14 May 2003 Alex Pompe Math Gallery
A graphical exploration of mathematical beauty in the CAVE.

3:00pm Wednesday 14 May 2003 Bharath Krishnan illiRobot
A OpenGL animation of a robot arm able to perform elementary automatic actions.

3:30pm Wednesday 14 May 2003 Brian Townsend illiPool
A physics based RTICA on pool-table collisions.

4:00pm Wednesday 14 May 2003 Matt Townsend illiTime
OpenGl animation illustrating a astronomical phenomenon, the analemma as observed from several different planets.

4:30pm Wednesday 14 May 2003 Justin Koepke illiLight
A demonstration of J. O'Rourke's theory of illuminating a room of mirrors.


Jacob Abry

Christopher Appuhn

William Baker

Vilas Dhar

Jason Eisenhauer

Joel Hunsley

Justin Koepke

Bharath Krishnan

Bryan Petrus

Alex Pompe

Alex Rein

Andrew Schwieter

Brian Townsend

Matt Townsend

Brett Witt