GeoGebra Lab F5
20feb15 and updated same day
1.1. Prerequisites
It is presumed that you have watched the video on inversive geometry. We need the concept of the inverse of a point in the Cartesian plane in the unit circle.
2.2. Instructions
Put your name at the top of this sheet of paper and check off the items as you finish them in the lab. Submit this sheet of paper before your leave. I will
check off the rest when I look at your work after F5.
There are three GGB files to be submitted on M6. There is NO paper to be handed in. I will retrieve the three files from the Moodle and check them. You will receive feedback on the lab sheet you hand in.
- Create a folder called ggbLabF5 (do not use spaces in any names of folders or files) and download a copy of
into this folder.
- Make a copy of this file for safekeeping.
- Open your working copy of the ladderlemma.ggb
2.12.1. Experiment 1
In this experiment you discover that hyperbolic segments as arcs of
circles perpendicular to the unit circle. We will do this by constructing
the circle through two points inside the unit circle which is its
own inverse, and therefore perpendicular to the unit circle.
Note, that we will distinguish between Euclidean and hyperbolic objects by
attaching the letter H or h somewhere in the name for the Euclidean object
that is an interpretion of a hyperbolic object.
- Find by reflecting in the unit circle. Use the
reflection in a circle tool of GGB.
- Draw through these three points. Observe that it is
perpendicular to the unit circle.
- Show that inversions are also on , which suggests that
is its own inverse.
- Verify that the lines etc are concurrent at the origin,
illustrating that inversion preseves lines through the origin. Note such lines are necessarily perpendicular to the unit circle.
- For homework, investigate inverses of other circles and lines and
write up a list of properties. For example, what is the inverse of a
circle passing through the origin. Collect these in your yournal. You will
be asked to submit this in your lab report due at a later time.
- Save your work with the name F5experiment1.ggb. You will submit this file on the Moodle.
2.22.2. Experiment 2
In this experiment you will learn how to make new tool in GGB and save it
for later use. The purpose of this exercise is learn how Campos extended
GGB to the box of hyperbolic tools.
- Start with a clean copy of GGB, one that does not have the Campos hyperbolic tools in it.
- Construct the unit circle, then hide the xy-axes and the point (1,0). But keep the origin, re-named as
- Choose two points labeled inside the unit disk.
- Find the two points, labeled (subscripts are clumsy in GGB),
where the crosses the unit circle.
- Construct the circular . This arc is the interpretation
in this model of the full hyperbolic line
- Now follow the directions on constructing a new tool. Note
it is under a new tool button. See Tool Elaboration at the bottom.
- Leave this file open to work on further, but save the tool as follows.
- Save this as the toolfile named hline . It will appear in
your folder ast hline.ggt . Note the suffix is not .ggb. You will
submit this file on the Moodle.
- Continue working on the open file. Apply the tool you have made
to other pairs of hyperbolic points. Note carefully, that the tool requires
you to name more objects than the two points you are connecting. They come
last. This is a flaw in GGB and I don't know how work around it.
- Continue to make two more tools. The is easy to do because
it is the Euclidean .
- To build the tool will require you to find the center of
the circle at the intersection of and .
- To show that your work was successful, use your new tool to connect
two further hyperbolic points with their hyperbolic segment. Label the points
- Save this construction and name it F5experiment2.ggb . You will
submit this file on the Moodle.
3.3. Elaboration
During the lab of F5 the following issues arose and were ammended.
3.13.1. Making and Using GGB Tools
The procedure I demonstrated in class to make the tool hline.ggt actually
was correct. What threw me off was that when I chose the two axes, they
did not "light up". GGB displays in bold suitable ojects you choose as
feedback. There really was a tool-file named
hline.ggt in the
Also, I was puzzled by the fact the the tool you helped me make in lab
asked for "line,line,point,point", instead of what I had observed earlier
"point,point,point,point". Here is the reason. In order for GGB to apply a
native or a user-made tool, it must have all the component inputs. Recall
that to make the tool, we started with the axes, and then used the axes
to make a unit circle by center and radial length. You can also do this
by choosing the center and a point on the circle. This has to be specified,
along with the last pair of points you want to connect with a hyperbolic
line. The need for this additional information stems from the native
reflection, which can use any circle as its mirror, not just the unit
circle. So this is not a defect in GGB, just an inconvenience for us.
Alexandre Campos did not make his hyperbolic tools in this way.
He re-coded the XML file itself to specify the
center (the Origin) and the mirror (Unit Circle) automatically. The
conclusion is thus to use the tool-making ability of GGB not instead of
Campos's tool set, but as an extension of it. However, for other models
of non-Euclidean geometry, such as the Klein-Beltrami and the Upper Half
Plane model, we will have to make our own tools because they are not
part of Campos's tool set.
3.23.2. Assignment
It proved impractical to collect the handouts (a copy of the first
two pages of this document) at
the end of the lab since most of the work was assigned to be done at home.
Therefore, four items are due on Monday M6:
- The instructions handed out F5 (or a printed copy of it) with
your name on it, and marked with completed steps. Submit these during
class M6. These will be returned with feedback and a grade.
- The 3 files F5experiment1.ggb, hline.ggt, and F5experiment2.ggb
submitted on the Moodle on M6.
- Additional reports written into your Journal. These will be evaluated
at a later date, possibly by a question on the midterm.