\begin{document} \maketitle \section{What are filecards?} A colleague of mine once told me how he graded student preparation for his lecture to in a huge class of humanities undergraduates. He handed out filecards and the students wrote their names, date and answers to one question on reading assignment. Over the years, I have adapted this concept to math classes. \section{Online filecards} To make make the collection and checking of filecards more convenient and interactive, we use a (still experimental) method of online questions. Your responses are collected on a secure server where a grader can check them and make comments, if appropriate. Here is a picture of a typical filecard. Note the responses.\section{How to access filecards!} There are many different ways of accessing filecards and the syllabus for your course will tell which each time. But some generic information can be collectively usefule. \subsection{Where are the filecards?} For the present, the online filecards are located on our secure, FERPA compliant webserver which you need authentication to gain access. The first time your browser makes contact a \textit{certificate of authentication} is installed automatically. Because this process has been corrupted by web bandits, your browser is pretty paranoid about it. \textbf{ Just say yes in this case} because your replies are safe behind University of Illinois firewalls. \subsection{What do I enter into my browser?} For each filecard you will be given an address which you enter into the browser, for example \texttt{ } would be for students in class Math 000 to fill out filecard for the Friday the first week of classes. Note the "s" at the end of "https". Be sure your click on the \texttt{ submit button} to register your response. \subsection{What if something goes wrong?} Then notify me ( immediately. I may direct you to an already written piece of information. Be sure the email subject line contains your course identifier (e.g. netMA403, MA348, etc) or my mail filters may ignore your message. \subsection{How should I write math symbols?} Mathematicians and other scientists write in a variant of the TeX typsetting language. In your class, you will learn LaTeX (see the Advice columns on that subject). So you too will recognize symbols written in their LaTeX code, even if your current filecard or email client cannot represent them correctly. So you may always use exact or approximate LaTeX notation when there is a chance of misunderstanding. For the rest, however, we can always use \textit{email notation} which uses only the symbols on your keyboard keysset. \subsection{How should I NOT write math symbols?} Be very careful NOT to cut and paste symbols that look correct in a word processor, such as MS Word, because they will usually appear as illegible gibberish in any other application, such as our filecard response fields. \subsection{More ....} As needed, I will add additional advice on this subject here. \end{document}