This appendix lists IRIS GL functions and their equivalent OpenGL functions. The first column is an alphabetic list of IRIS GL functions, the second column contains the corresponding functions to use in OpenGL.
Note The following OpenGL functions listed may behave somewhat differently from the IRIS GL commands, and the parameters may be different as well. For more information on the differences between IRIS GL and OpenGL, see I RIS GL and OpenGL Differences.
IRIS GL function | OpenGL,GLU, or Win32 function |
acbuf | glAccum |
acsize | ChoosePixelFormat |
addtopup | Use Win32 for menus. |
afunction | glAlphaFunc |
arc | gluPartialDisk |
backbuffer | glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK) |
backface | glCullFace(GL_BACK) |
bbox2 | Not supported. |
bgnclosedline | glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP) |
bgncurve | gluBeginCurve |
bgnline | glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP) |
bgnpoint | glBegin(GL_POINTS) |
bgnpolygon | glBegin(GL_POLYGON) |
bgnqstrip | glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP) |
bgnsurface | gluBeginSurface |
bgntmesh | glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) |
bgntrim | gluBeginTrim |
blankscreen | Use Win32 for windowing. |
blanktime | Use Win32 for windowing. |
blendfunction | glBlendFunc |
blink | Use Win32 for color maps. |
blkqread | Use Win32 for event handling. |
c | glColor |
callfunc | Not supported. |
callobj | glCallList |
charstr | glCallLists |
chunksize | Not needed. |
circ | gluDisk |
clear | glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) |
clearhitcode | Not supported. |
clipplane | glClipPlane |
clkon | Use Win32 for keyboard management. |
clkoff | Use Win32 for keyboard management. |
closeobj | glEndList |
cmode | ChoosePixelFormat |
cmov cmov2 |
glRasterPos3 glRasterPos2 |
color | glIndex |
compactify | Not needed. |
concave | gluBeginPolygon |
cpack | glColor |
crv | Not supported. |
crvn | Not supported. |
curorigin | Use Win32 for cursors. |
cursoff | Use Win32 for cursors. |
curson | Use Win32 for cursors. |
curstype | Use Win32 for cursors. |
curvebasis | glMap1 |
curveit | glEvalMesh1 |
curveprecision | Not supported. |
cyclemap | Use Win32 for color maps. |
dbtext | Not supported. |
defbasis | glMap1 |
defcursor | Use Win32 for cursors. |
deflinestyle | glLineStipple |
defpattern | glPolygonStipple |
defpup | Use Win32 for menus. |
defrasterfont | wglUseFontBitmaps |
delobj | glDeleteLists |
deltag | Not supported. |
depthcue | glFog |
dglclose | Not needed. (OpenGL is network transparent.) |
dglopen | Not needed. (OpenGL is network transparent.) |
dither | glEnable(GL_DITHER) |
dopup | Use Win32 for menus. |
doublebuffer | ChoosePixelFormat |
draw | glBegin(GL_LINES) |
drawmode | wglMakeCurrent |
editobj | Not supported. |
endclosedline | glEnd |
endcurve | gluEndCurve |
endfeedback | glRenderMode(GL_RENDER) |
endfullscreen | Not supported. |
endline | glEnd |
endpick | glRenderMode(GL_RENDER) |
endpoint | glEnd |
endpolygon | glEnd |
endpupmode | Use Win32 for menus. |
endqstrip | glEnd |
endselect | glRenderMode(GL_RENDER) |
endsurface | gluEndSurface |
endtmesh | glEnd |
endtrim | gluEndTrim |
feedback | glFeedbackBuffer |
finish | glFinish |
fogvertex | glFog |
font | glListBase |
foreground | Use Win32 for windowing. |
freepup | Use Win32 for menus. |
frontbuffer | glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT) |
frontface | glCullFace |
fudge | Use Win32 for windowing. |
fullscrn | Not supported. |
gammaramp | Use Win32 for color maps. |
gbegin | Use Win32 for windowing. |
gconfig | No equivalent. (Not needed.) |
genobj | glGenLists |
gentag | Not supported. |
getbackface | glGet |
getbuffer | glGet |
getbutton | Use Win32 for windowing. |
getcmmode | wglGetCurrentContext |
getcolor | glGet |
getcpos | glGet |
getcursor | Not supported. |
getdcm | glIsEnabled |
getdepth | glGet |
getdescender | Use Win32 for fonts. |
getdev | Not supported. |
getdisplaymode | glGet |
wglGetCurrentContext | |
getdrawmode | wglGetCurrentContext |
getfont | Use Win32 for fonts. |
getgdesc | glGet DescribePixelFormat wglGetCurrentContext wglGetCurrentDC |
getgpos | Not supported. |
getheight | Use Win32 for fonts. |
gethitcode | Not supported. |
getlsbackup | Not supported. |
getlsrepeat | glGet |
getlstyle | glGet |
getlwidth | glGet |
getmap(void) | Not supported. |
getmcolor | Not supported. |
getmmode | glGet(GL_MATRIX_MODE) |
getmonitor | Not supported. |
getnurbsproperty | gluGetNurbsProperty |
getopenobj | Not supported. |
getorigin | Use Win32 for windowing. |
getpattern | glGetPolygonStipple |
getplanes | glGet(GL_RED_BITS) glGet(GL_GREEN_BITS) glGet(GL_BLUE_BITS) |
getport | Use Win32 for windowing. |
getresetls | Not supported. |
getscrbox | Not supported. |
getscrmask | glGet(GL_SCISSOR_BOX) |
getshade | glGet(GL_CURRENT_INDEX) |
getsize | Use Win32 for windowing. |
getsm | glGet(GL_SHADE_MODEL) |
getvaluator | Use Win32 for event handling |
getvideo | Not supported. |
getviewport | glGet(GL_VIEWPORT) |
getwritemask | glGet(GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK) |
getwscrn | Use Win32 for windowing. |
getzbuffer | glIsEnabled(GL_DEPTH_TEST) |
gexit | Use Win32 for windowing. |
gflush | glFlush |
ginit | Use Win32 for windowing. |
glcompat | Not supported. |
greset | Not supported. |
gRGBcursor | Use Win32 for cursors. |
gselect | glSelectBuffer |
gsync | Use Win32 for windowing. |
gversion | glGetString(GL_RENDERER) |
iconsize | Use Win32. |
icontitle | Use Win32. |
imakebackground | Use Win32 for event handling. |
initnames | glInitNames |
ismex | Not supported. |
isobj | glIsList |
isqueued | Use Win32 for event handling. |
istag | Not supported. |
keepaspect | Use Win32 for windowing. |
lampoff | Not supported. |
lampon | Not supported. |
linesmooth | glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) |
linewidth | glLineWidth |
linewidthf | glLineWidth |
lmbind | glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) glEnable(GL_LIGHT) |
lmcolor | glColorMaterial |
lmdef | glMaterial glLight glLightModel |
loadmatrix | glLoadMatrix |
loadname | glLoadName |
logicop | glLogicOp |
lookat | gluLookAt |
lrectread | glReadPixels |
lrectwrite(]) | glDrawPixels |
lRGBrange | Not supported. (See glFog.) |
lsbackup | Not supported. |
lsetdepth | glDepthRange |
lshaderange | Not supported. (See glFog.) |
lsrepeat | glLineStipple |
makeobj | glNewList |
maketag | Not supported. |
mapcolor | Use Win32 for color maps. |
mapw | gluProject |
maxsize | Use Win32 for windowing. |
minsize | Use Win32 for windowing. |
mmode | glMatrixMode |
move | Not supported. |
mswapbuffers | Use Win32 for windowing. |
multimap | Use Win32 for color maps. |
multmatrix | glMultMatrix |
n3f | glNormal3fv |
newpup | Use Win32 for Menus. |
newtag | Not supported. |
nmode | glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE) |
noborder | Use Win32 for windowing. |
noise | Use Win32 for event handling. |
noport | Use Win32 for windowing. |
normal | glNormal3fv |
nurbscurve | gluNurbsCurve |
nurbssurface | gluNurbsSurface |
objdelete | Not supported. |
objinsert | Not supported. |
objreplace | Not supported. |
onemap | Use Win32 for color maps. |
ortho | glOrtho |
ortho2 | gluOrtho2D |
overlay | Use Win32. |
pagecolor | Not supported. |
passthrough | glPassThrough |
patch | glEvalMesh2 |
patchbasis | glMap2 |
patchcurves | glMap2 |
patchprecision | Not supported. |
pclos | Not supported. (See glEnd.) |
pdr | Not supported. (See glVertex.) |
perspective | gluPerspective |
pick | gluPickMatrix glRenderMode(GL_SELECT) |
picksize | gluPickMatrix |
pixmode | glPixelTransfer and 3 |
pmv | Not supported. (See glBegin and glVertex.) |
pnt | glBegin(GL_POINTS) |
pntsize | glPointSize |
pntsizef | glPointSize |
pntsmooth | glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH) |
polarview | Not supported. (See glRotate and glTranslate.) |
polf | Not supported. |
poly | Not supported. |
polymode | glPolygonMode |
polysmooth | glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) |
popattributes | glPopAttrib |
popmatrix | glPopMatrix |
popname | glPopName |
popviewport | glPopAttrib |
prefposition | Use Win32 for windowing. |
prefsize | Use Win32 for windowing. |
pupmode | Use Win32 for windowing. |
pushattributes | glPushAttrib |
pushmatrix | glPushMatrix |
pushname | glPushName |
pushviewport | glPushAttrib(GL_VIEWPORT) |
pwlcurve | gluPWLCurve |
qcontrol | Use Win32 for event handling. |
qdevice | Use Win32 for event handling. |
qenter | Use Win32 for event handling. |
qgetfd | Use Win32 for event handling. |
qread | Use Win32 for event handling. |
qreset | Use Win32 for event handling. |
qtest | Use Win32 for event handling. |
rcrv | Not supported. |
rcrvn | Not supported. |
rdr | Not supported. |
readdisplay | Not supported. |
readRGB | Not supported. |
readsource | glReadBuffer |
rect | glRect glPolygonMode |
rectf | glRect |
rectcopy | glCopyPixels |
rectread | glReadPixels |
rectwrite | glDrawPixels |
rectzoom | glPixelZoom |
resetls | Not supported. |
reshapeviewport | Not supported. |
RGBcolor | glColor |
RGBcursor | Use Win32 for cursors. |
RGBmode | Use Win32 for windowing. |
RGBrange | Not supported. |
RGBwritemask | glColorMask |
ringbell | Not supported. |
rmv | Not supported. |
rot | glRotate |
rotate | glRotate |
rpatch | Not supported. |
rpdr | Not supported. |
rpmv | Not supported. |
sbox | glRect |
scale | glScale |
sclear | glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) |
scrbox | Not supported. |
screenspace | Not supported. |
scrmask | glScissor |
scrnattach | Use Win32 for windowing. |
scrnselect | Use Win32 for windowing. |
scrsubdivide | Not supported. |
select | glRenderMode |
setbell | Not supported. |
setcursor | Use Win32 for cursors. |
setdblights | Not supported. |
setdepth | glDepthRange |
setlinestyle | glLineStipple |
setmap | Use Win32 for color maps. |
setmonitor | Not supported. |
setnurbsproperty | gluNurbsProperty |
setpattern | glPolygonStipple |
setpup | Use Win32 for menus. |
setvaluator | Use Win32 for devices. |
setvideo | Not supported. |
shademodel | glShadeModel |
shaderange | glFog |
singlebuffer | Use Win32 for windowing. |
smoothline | glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) |
spclos | Not supported. |
splf | Not supported. (See glBegin.) |
stencil | glStencilFunc glStencilOp |
stensize | glStencilMask |
stepunit | Use Win32 for windowing. |
strwidth | Use Win32 for fonts and strings. |
subpixel | Not needed. |
swapbuffers | SwapBuffers |
swapinterval | Use Win32 for windowing. |
swaptmesh | Not supported. (See glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN).) |
swinopen | Use Win32 for windowing. |
swritemask | glStencilMask |
t2 | glTexCoord2 |
tevbind | glTexEnv |
tevdef | glTexEnv |
texbind | glTexImage2D glTexParameter gluBuild2DMipmaps |
texdef2d | glTexImage2D glTexParameter gluBuild2DMipmaps |
texgen | glTexGen |
textcolor | Not supported. |
textinit | Not supported. |
textport | Not supported. |
tie | Use Win32 for event handling. |
tpoff | Not supported. |
tpon | Not supported. |
translate | glTranslate |
underlay | ChoosePixelFormat |
unqdevice | Use Win32 for event handling. |
v | glVertex |
videocmd | Not supported. |
viewport | glViewport |
winattach | Use Win32 for windowing. |
winclose | wglDeleteContext CloseWindow |
winconstraints | Use Win32 for windowing. |
windepth | Use Win32 for windowing. |
window | glFrustum |
winget | wglGetCurrentContext |
winmove | Use Win32 for windowing. |
winopen | Use Win32 for windowing. |
winpop | Use Win32 for windowing. |
winposition | Use Win32 for windowing. |
winpush | Use Win32 for windowing. |
winset | Use Win32 for windowing. |
wintitle | Use Win32 for windowing. |
wmpack | glColorMask |
writemask | glIndexMask |
writepixels | glDrawPixels |
writeRGB | glDrawPixels |
xfpt | Not supported. |
zbuffer | glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) |
zclear | glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) |
zdraw | Not supported. |
zfunction | glDepthFunc |
zsource | Not supported. |
zwritemask | glDepthMask |