OpenGL Functions and Their IRIS GL Equivalents

This appendix lists IRIS GL functions and their equivalent OpenGL functions. The first column is an alphabetic list of IRIS GL functions, the second column contains the corresponding functions to use in OpenGL.

Note  The following OpenGL functions listed may behave somewhat differently from the IRIS GL commands, and the parameters may be different as well. For more information on the differences between IRIS GL and OpenGL, see I RIS GL and OpenGL Differences.

IRIS GL function OpenGL,GLU, or Win32 function
acbuf glAccum
acsize ChoosePixelFormat
addtopup Use Win32 for menus.
afunction glAlphaFunc
arc gluPartialDisk
backbuffer glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK)
backface glCullFace(GL_BACK)
bbox2 Not supported.
bgnclosedline glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP)
bgncurve gluBeginCurve
bgnline glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP)
bgnpoint glBegin(GL_POINTS)
bgnpolygon glBegin(GL_POLYGON)
bgnqstrip glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP)
bgnsurface gluBeginSurface
bgntmesh glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP)
bgntrim gluBeginTrim
blankscreen Use Win32 for windowing.
blanktime Use Win32 for windowing.
blendfunction glBlendFunc
blink Use Win32 for color maps.
blkqread Use Win32 for event handling.
c glColor
callfunc Not supported.
callobj glCallList
charstr glCallLists
chunksize Not needed.
circ gluDisk
clear glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
clearhitcode Not supported.
clipplane glClipPlane
clkon Use Win32 for keyboard management.
clkoff Use Win32 for keyboard management.
closeobj glEndList
cmode ChoosePixelFormat
color glIndex
compactify Not needed.
concave gluBeginPolygon
cpack glColor
crv Not supported.
crvn Not supported.
curorigin Use Win32 for cursors.
cursoff Use Win32 for cursors.
curson Use Win32 for cursors.
curstype Use Win32 for cursors.
curvebasis glMap1
curveit glEvalMesh1
curveprecision Not supported.
cyclemap Use Win32 for color maps.
dbtext Not supported.
defbasis glMap1
defcursor Use Win32 for cursors.
deflinestyle glLineStipple
defpattern glPolygonStipple
defpup Use Win32 for menus.
defrasterfont wglUseFontBitmaps
delobj glDeleteLists
deltag Not supported.
depthcue glFog
dglclose Not needed. (OpenGL is network transparent.)
dglopen Not needed. (OpenGL is network transparent.)
dither glEnable(GL_DITHER)
dopup Use Win32 for menus.
doublebuffer ChoosePixelFormat
draw glBegin(GL_LINES)
drawmode wglMakeCurrent
editobj Not supported.
endclosedline glEnd
endcurve gluEndCurve
endfeedback glRenderMode(GL_RENDER)
endfullscreen Not supported.
endline glEnd
endpick glRenderMode(GL_RENDER)
endpoint glEnd
endpolygon glEnd
endpupmode Use Win32 for menus.
endqstrip glEnd
endselect glRenderMode(GL_RENDER)
endsurface gluEndSurface
endtmesh glEnd
endtrim gluEndTrim
feedback glFeedbackBuffer
finish glFinish
fogvertex glFog
font glListBase
foreground Use Win32 for windowing.
freepup Use Win32 for menus.
frontbuffer glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT)
frontface glCullFace
fudge Use Win32 for windowing.
fullscrn Not supported.
gammaramp Use Win32 for color maps.
gbegin Use Win32 for windowing.
gconfig No equivalent. (Not needed.)
genobj glGenLists
gentag Not supported.
getbackface glGet
getbuffer glGet
getbutton Use Win32 for windowing.
getcmmode wglGetCurrentContext
getcolor glGet
getcpos glGet
getcursor Not supported.
getdcm glIsEnabled
getdepth glGet
getdescender Use Win32 for fonts.
getdev Not supported.
getdisplaymode glGet
getdrawmode wglGetCurrentContext
getfont Use Win32 for fonts.
getgdesc glGet
getgpos Not supported.
getheight Use Win32 for fonts.
gethitcode Not supported.
getlsbackup Not supported.
getlsrepeat glGet
getlstyle glGet
getlwidth glGet
getmap(void) Not supported.
getmatrix glGet(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX)
getmcolor Not supported.
getmmode glGet(GL_MATRIX_MODE)
getmonitor Not supported.
getnurbsproperty gluGetNurbsProperty
getopenobj Not supported.
getorigin Use Win32 for windowing.
getpattern glGetPolygonStipple
getplanes glGet(GL_RED_BITS)
getport Use Win32 for windowing.
getresetls Not supported.
getscrbox Not supported.
getscrmask glGet(GL_SCISSOR_BOX)
getshade glGet(GL_CURRENT_INDEX)
getsize Use Win32 for windowing.
getsm glGet(GL_SHADE_MODEL)
getvaluator Use Win32 for event handling
getvideo Not supported.
getviewport glGet(GL_VIEWPORT)
getwritemask glGet(GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK)
getwscrn Use Win32 for windowing.
getzbuffer glIsEnabled(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
gexit Use Win32 for windowing.
gflush glFlush
ginit Use Win32 for windowing.
glcompat Not supported.
greset Not supported.
gRGBcursor Use Win32 for cursors.
gselect glSelectBuffer
gsync Use Win32 for windowing.
gversion glGetString(GL_RENDERER)
iconsize Use Win32.
icontitle Use Win32.
imakebackground Use Win32 for event handling.
initnames glInitNames
ismex Not supported.
isobj glIsList
isqueued Use Win32 for event handling.
istag Not supported.
keepaspect Use Win32 for windowing.
lampoff Not supported.
lampon Not supported.
linesmooth glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH)
linewidth glLineWidth
linewidthf glLineWidth
lmbind glEnable(GL_LIGHTING)
lmcolor glColorMaterial
lmdef glMaterial
loadmatrix glLoadMatrix
loadname glLoadName
logicop glLogicOp
lookat gluLookAt
lrectread glReadPixels
lrectwrite(]) glDrawPixels
lRGBrange Not supported. (See glFog.)
lsbackup Not supported.
lsetdepth glDepthRange
lshaderange Not supported. (See glFog.)
lsrepeat glLineStipple
makeobj glNewList
maketag Not supported.
mapcolor Use Win32 for color maps.
mapw gluProject
maxsize Use Win32 for windowing.
minsize Use Win32 for windowing.
mmode glMatrixMode
move Not supported.
mswapbuffers Use Win32 for windowing.
multimap Use Win32 for color maps.
multmatrix glMultMatrix
n3f glNormal3fv
newpup Use Win32 for Menus.
newtag Not supported.
nmode glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE)
noborder Use Win32 for windowing.
noise Use Win32 for event handling.
noport Use Win32 for windowing.
normal glNormal3fv
nurbscurve gluNurbsCurve
nurbssurface gluNurbsSurface
objdelete Not supported.
objinsert Not supported.
objreplace Not supported.
onemap Use Win32 for color maps.
ortho glOrtho
ortho2 gluOrtho2D
overlay Use Win32.
pagecolor Not supported.
passthrough glPassThrough
patch glEvalMesh2
patchbasis glMap2
patchcurves glMap2
patchprecision Not supported.
pclos Not supported. (See glEnd.)
pdr Not supported. (See glVertex.)
perspective gluPerspective
pick gluPickMatrix
picksize gluPickMatrix
pixmode glPixelTransfer and 3
pmv Not supported. (See glBegin and glVertex.)
pnt glBegin(GL_POINTS)
pntsize glPointSize
pntsizef glPointSize
pntsmooth glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH)
polarview Not supported. (See glRotate and glTranslate.)
polf Not supported.
poly Not supported.
polymode glPolygonMode
polysmooth glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH)
popattributes glPopAttrib
popmatrix glPopMatrix
popname glPopName
popviewport glPopAttrib
prefposition Use Win32 for windowing.
prefsize Use Win32 for windowing.
pupmode Use Win32 for windowing.
pushattributes glPushAttrib
pushmatrix glPushMatrix
pushname glPushName
pushviewport glPushAttrib(GL_VIEWPORT)
pwlcurve gluPWLCurve
qcontrol Use Win32 for event handling.
qdevice Use Win32 for event handling.
qenter Use Win32 for event handling.
qgetfd Use Win32 for event handling.
qread Use Win32 for event handling.
qreset Use Win32 for event handling.
qtest Use Win32 for event handling.
rcrv Not supported.
rcrvn Not supported.
rdr Not supported.
readdisplay Not supported.
readRGB Not supported.
readsource glReadBuffer
rect glRect
rectf glRect
rectcopy glCopyPixels
rectread glReadPixels
rectwrite glDrawPixels
rectzoom glPixelZoom
resetls Not supported.
reshapeviewport Not supported.
RGBcolor glColor
RGBcursor Use Win32 for cursors.
RGBmode Use Win32 for windowing.
RGBrange Not supported.
RGBwritemask glColorMask
ringbell Not supported.
rmv Not supported.
rot glRotate
rotate glRotate
rpatch Not supported.
rpdr Not supported.
rpmv Not supported.
sbox glRect
scale glScale
scrbox Not supported.
screenspace Not supported.
scrmask glScissor
scrnattach Use Win32 for windowing.
scrnselect Use Win32 for windowing.
scrsubdivide Not supported.
select glRenderMode
setbell Not supported.
setcursor Use Win32 for cursors.
setdblights Not supported.
setdepth glDepthRange
setlinestyle glLineStipple
setmap Use Win32 for color maps.
setmonitor Not supported.
setnurbsproperty gluNurbsProperty
setpattern glPolygonStipple
setpup Use Win32 for menus.
setvaluator Use Win32 for devices.
setvideo Not supported.
shademodel glShadeModel
shaderange glFog
singlebuffer Use Win32 for windowing.
smoothline glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH)
spclos Not supported.
splf Not supported. (See glBegin.)
stencil glStencilFunc
stensize glStencilMask
stepunit Use Win32 for windowing.
strwidth Use Win32 for fonts and strings.
subpixel Not needed.
swapbuffers SwapBuffers
swapinterval Use Win32 for windowing.
swaptmesh Not supported.
(See glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN).)
swinopen Use Win32 for windowing.
swritemask glStencilMask
t2 glTexCoord2
tevbind glTexEnv
tevdef glTexEnv
texbind glTexImage2D
texdef2d glTexImage2D
texgen glTexGen
textcolor Not supported.
textinit Not supported.
textport Not supported.
tie Use Win32 for event handling.
tpoff Not supported.
tpon Not supported.
translate glTranslate
underlay ChoosePixelFormat
unqdevice Use Win32 for event handling.
v glVertex
videocmd Not supported.
viewport glViewport
winattach Use Win32 for windowing.
winclose wglDeleteContext
winconstraints Use Win32 for windowing.
windepth Use Win32 for windowing.
window glFrustum
winget wglGetCurrentContext
winmove Use Win32 for windowing.
winopen Use Win32 for windowing.
winpop Use Win32 for windowing.
winposition Use Win32 for windowing.
winpush Use Win32 for windowing.
winset Use Win32 for windowing.
wintitle Use Win32 for windowing.
wmpack glColorMask
writemask glIndexMask
writepixels glDrawPixels
writeRGB glDrawPixels
xfpt Not supported.
zbuffer glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
zclear glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)
zdraw Not supported.
zfunction glDepthFunc
zsource Not supported.
zwritemask glDepthMask