Here is my work for MA595 Fall15.

Xinghua Gao

I'm currently a third yeat graduate student in mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
I received my bachelor's degree from Beijing Normal University in 2013.

Curriculum vitae:

To be posted.


My research interest is geometric topology.
My advisor is Nathan Dunfield.


  • I'm a TA for Calculus II (Math231) this semester.
  • My office hour is Tuesday 5-7pm in 347 Altgeld Hall.
  • Interesting links:

  • There is the Low Dimensional Topology blog
  • This is my small project for computer animation (Math595).
  • Contact information:

    Email: xgao29[at]
    Office: 108 Altgeld Hall
    Address: Dept. of Math. University of Illinois
    1409 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801
    Last edited Oct 20,2015 by Xinghua Gao.