PyCube --- Scripting the CUBE

PyCube logo

This is Project PyCube, conceived and designed by Peter Brinkmann, J.L. Doob Research Assistant Professor in mathematics at UIUC, and organized by George Francis, professor in mathematics at UIUC, with the assistance of Jim Crowell and Ben Schaeffer, ISL, Beckman Institute, and the cooperation of Elizabeth Denne, Frances Wang, Brian Ross, Camille Goudeseune, John Sullivan, Patrick Szuta, Jonathan Manton, George Francis.

With REU funds provided by a generous private donor under the direction of Joseph Rosenblatt, former chair of the Mathematics Department.

The foundation of PyCube is pyszg, a collection of Python bindings for Syzygy. If you wish to use our work, you may want to take a look at the README file.