Welcome to EggMath
This is the EggMath version 1.5, a collection
of web modules (including many interactive applets)
covering different topics in mathematics related to eggs;
it is intended for use in K-12 classrooms, as in the
project at the Beckman Institute.
EggMath was created by Professors
Steve Bradlow
and John Sullivan
of the UIUC Math Department,
with Stuart Levy of the
and Brian Klamik.
The current modules deal with
- The shape of an egg, which includes
discussions of surfaces of revolution and
methods for drawing ovals in the plane;
- The white/yolk theorem
(usually known as the ham sandwich theorem), which shows how
any two regions in the plane can be equally divided;
- Spherical geometry, which demonstrates
the intrinsic curvature of a spherical surface;
- Embryo calculus, which examines exponential
growth, and the number e.
See also the complete site map.
Possibilities for future additions include adding more to
the section on nonEuclidean geometry (including how to
compute surface area of surfaces of revolution),
and adding a module on topology (how to distinguish an egg from a
donut or a pretzel).
We're always open to other suggestions. Send in your EGGcelent ideas
for future modules by email
to the development team.
Eggmath was selected as the Math Forum
Hot Spot
for the month of April 2003.