Advice on LaTeX Typesetting Logical Symbols and Figures

1feb11 corrected 26may11
\begin{document} \section{Logical symbols} LaTex is has codes which produce symbols like those in the picture. But they do not have the obvious name. We remedy this in the preamble by defining synonyms so you can use common names for the symbols instead of the LaTeX names. Thus (backslash is omitted for typographical reasons) instead of writing (backslash)wedge you can write (backslash)and. For \texttt{ texWins}, for example, you should use the preamble in \texttt{ logicpreamble.txt} instead of the garden-variety in \texttt{ preamble.txt} \section{Figures} \subsection{Introduction} How to prepare figures to be inserted into LaTeX documents is discussed elsewhere in Advice. Here we assume that you have two figures named fred.png and ginger.jpg. \textbf{Never} ever give a file a name with a space in it. So "Fred and Ginger.png" will result in disaster. Also, even though texWins is case-sensitive (unlike Windows), do not expect any computer system to distinguish between Fred.png and fred.png. You can use caps but two different file names that only differ in case may also end in disaster. \subsection{In the .tex file ....} Here is how you edit the code for LaTeX. The code for a LaTeX file in a textfile with the suffix .tex, for example, your Workspace in texWhins, or the left have window in texPad and QAint (filecards), this line must be in the preamble. But you can insert figures only into a true LaTeX document, and hence you use texWins. You declare that you will use the package called "gpaphicx" in the preamble. In the body you insert four lines you copy from an sample file, and then edit it. \subsection{The Example} In the LaTeX sampler there are many example files. The one that you should study now is called \texttt{ex1picture}. Click on \texttt{ex1picture.pdf} to see what the file looks like when typeset by texWins. Download \texttt{ex1picture.tex} and copy and paste it into texWins. This will cause an error because the associated image file is not loaded into texWins. Still on the LaTeX sampler page, download images/optiverse-tiny.jpg. Then upload this to texWins. Now it will work. In texWins, you can practice editing the 2nd and 3rd lines of the four line figure-environment block in the LaTeX code, as shown in the green figure. Notice the width can be changed from 1 to 2 inches. And the caption can be edited to say what the figue does. The caption is particularly important because LaTeX has a mind of its own where it puts a figure in a document. So don't expect the picture and the text to stay near each other. In your text refer to the figure by "Fig. 1" etc. In the caption say enough for the reader to know what part of the text the figure belongs to. \subsection{Your own file ...} First upload \texttt{ fred.png, ginger.jpg} into texWins. Then edit your own textfile with the figure environments for each picture. Then proceed with texWins as before. \section{Bibliography} To be populated later. \end{document}