Last revised 8feb11, 11aug11.
Taking a Timed Tests in this Course
\textbf{ $\C$ 2011, Prof. George K. Francis, Mathematics Department, University of Illinois}

All tests come with a set of instructions whose purpose is to optimize
both taking and grading the work. Here is a list which will help you to
prepare yourself for taking a test in this course.
\item Read over the entire exam, and work on the "easy" ones first.
\item Because every problem is worth the same number of points, and
each part of a problem receives the same amount of partial credit.
\item Start each problem on a new side/page/piece of paper.
\item Because problems that start in the middle of text are apt to be
overlooked, and scoring is additive, not subtractive.
\item Write your name on the upper right corner of each page.
\item Because papers get shuffled sometimes.
\item Start writing 1 inch below the top of each page.
\item Because stapling the sheets top left hides anything written there.
\item Draw and label your figures accurately.
\item Because a figure simplified your exposition and sometimes covers
for omitted hypotheses.
\item When in doubt what is asked, state what you are proving.
\item Because you may be answering the "wrong" question, one not
asked. Or you must substitute, and tell the grader what you're doing.
\item Return the cover sheet with your exam.
\item Because it has the score-box on it, and items you might not have
repeated in you work. The grader receives a self-contained paper.
\item Cross out rather than erasing large sections of work.
\item Return any scratch paper you used with the exam.
\item Because about 1 out of 10 papers has correct work crossed out or on
the scratch paper, but was presented incorrectly.
\item Read and follow the instructions.
\item Because there may be addtional instructions, such as "do 3 out ot 4".
and points may be subtracted for sloppy work.
On some tests you are permitted to use your class Journal for reference.
Read the Advice on how to keep your Journal. On a test it is important
that you can find items quickly. Therefore your Journal should have numbered
pages, an index, and initially, each page should face and empty page. This
initially empty page is useful for filling in details you understood only
(much) later. For example, when you study for a test.
On a test, never refer to theorems by their numbers or their pages in the
the textbook. Use the name of the theorem,
or describe it well enough to identify the
theorem. Never blindly copy items from your Journal. You may discover on a
test that you wrote nonsense when you made the entry. Don't repeat it.
You will loose points for an unjustified solution on a test.
A solution is unjustified if you give no evidence of what you're thinking
as you write the answer. Your grader is under no obligation to memorize the
questions. On tests and quizzes the question will appear on the sheet.
On a homework or takehome test you'll have to copy the question, preferably
in your own words. Or, to summarize this paragraph,
Any intelligent reader should be able to make
sense of what you have written.