Piazza post 8oct15 Either there is something wrong with my script for checking progress in building your repository or there is really ONLY one of you who has modified your index.html. At any event I want some modification by the end of this week (tomorrow). For those of you who don't have keys, the lab will be available at 2-3pm and 4-5pm. Even though you may wish to change this before your public_html/ folder is opened to the world, for now I would greatly appreciate a table of contents of your repository visible in your class webpage. This saves me and your mentors time, which they can use to help you. For this purpose (previous paragraph) you should link the file/folder into the index.html. It does not have to reside in two places yet. That's for later. Since there is no example embedded in the the sample page attributed to ivanho2 (change that!) which shows you how to do that, I have modified ivanho2/puclic_html with an example of how to write that in html. Finally, the best way for you see that your webpage is in order is to open class198f15/public_html in any browser. That's what I'll do.