To use the Additive Synthesis Actor, load and create an actor of type AddActor.
s = BeginSound a SetFreq 200 SetAmp .1;
sleep 5;
SetIthAmpl a 0 .1;
SetIthAmpl a 4 .3;
s = BeginSound a SetFreq 200 SetAmp 1;
sleep 5;
s = BeginSoundPaused a SetFreq 200 SetAmp 1;
SetIthAmpl s 0 .1;
SetIthAmpl s 4 .3;
SetPause s 0;
sleep 5;
s = BeginSoundPaused a SetFreq 200 SetAmp 1;
SetAmplPartials s [.1 0 0 0 .3];
SetPause s 0;
sleep 5;
s = BeginSoundPaused a SetFreq 200 SetAmp 1;
SetAmplPartials s [.1 0 0 0 .3];
SetPause s 0;
SetAmplPartials s [0 .1 0 0 .3] 5;
sleep 5;
s = BeginSoundPaused a SetFreq 200 SetAmp 1;
SetAmplPartials s [.3 .1 .4 .1 .5 .9 ];
SetFreqPartials s [200 700 100 800 200 800];
SetPause s 0;
sleep 5;