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Quarterly Report

What's Been Done

illiStuff is running successfully on my dorm room computer.

QBasic versions of the Sierpinski Gasket, the Lorenz Mask, and
the Sinewheel have been programmed.

C versions of the Sinewheel and the Functificator have been programmed.

All of these programs have been modified to include some degree
of user interface.

I have begun to modify the illiSkel to display grouped ellipsoids.

What's Left to Be Done

The illiSkel needs to be modified more.

I need to decide on the details of my project.

At this point I am not sure exactly what the final result will be.

I plan to add ellipsoids to the group to form a mammalian figure.

Ideally, the user will be able to manipulate parts of the figure's body.