Last edited 20mar03 by
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illiCat: The Animated Blobby Cat

illiCat will create a blobby cat in GLUT.
The cat will consist of ellipsoids.
The ellipsoids will form the figure of a cat by being scaled, rotated,
and translated to their desired locations.
Ideally, this cat will be animated.

I have a video clip of one of my cats in action.
The GLUT cat will be animated in order to mimic the action of my cat.
The movement of the cat will be a matter of articulation rather than rigid motion.
I do not know how to do this at this point, so I will need to spend time
with Professor Francis learning how to make this work.

Another possible issue to address is the coloring of the cat.
The current coloring is based on illiSkel and is rather odd.
This issue is on the bottom of the priority list.

Here is a picture of the current version of illiCat.
Its only movements at this point are rigid.