Newton's Mewthod Fractal Generator Compiled on 5/11/03 *** again I take no responsibility for anything this program does to your computer *** OK if the disclaimer didn't scare you off you probably want to know how to use this program. 1. Open the program. Double click on it. 2. Depending on your hardware/drivers/windows version you may see the fractal being drawn on the screen as it is computed. Or more likely, the screen will be blank. In this case press "d" at any time to tell the program to display the fractal once it is generated completely. 3. Now you can navigate about the fractal using the mouse and keyboard. Unfortunately my program is not complex enough to use mouse buttons. You must move the mouse to the desired location and press the correct key on the keyboard. 4. Key commands and descriptions "w" wipes the screen to black. If there is a picture being displayed it will erase it. If the picture has or is being drawn it will be displayed after pushing "w". If you press "w" more than once while waiting for the fractal to be generated it will im mediately be erased. This is all due to buffer flipping if you know what that is. "d" generates the fractal again with the current window size and probably displays it. If it is not displayed press "w" like on the first run. "z" sets the program to zoom in over the current mouse position, a box will be displayed over the zoom area. If the zoom box is not displayed press "d". Then press d (again) to initiate the zoom "Z" ("shift" + "z") zooms out and its operation is parallel to the zoom in. There is no box to be displayed. "c" recenters the fractal over the current mouse position. A box is drawn to show the new position but you will only be able to see part of it. Again press "d" to initiate the recenter. "r" restores the original window size. Again press "d" to initiate the change. "esc" quits the program. It can only be quit after the fractal has been genereated. If it freezes or takes to long you can always kill the process. 5. If you want to capture a picture of one of the fractals press "alt" + "PrtScr" then paste it into your favorite digital image editing software.