
This is an instructions file for using the InterLor -- Interactive Lorenz Mask Tutorial Program, modified from the original Lorenz Mask code.

There are several options available to aid in learning about and discovering the Lorenz Mask, all of which are accessed from the original screen.

Parameter values
The values of the three parameters (b, p, and k) can be changed in two ways:

To reset the parameter values to the original ones, press 'r.'

The Mask can be viewed as it is continuously rotating. To begin the rotation routine, press 's.' On this screen, the parameters can be changed in the same way as before, but for one change: after the desired parameter values are entered, the 'c' key must be pressed (to recalculate the equations with the new values). The 'f' key resets the Mask to the original position, and the 'r' key resets the parameter values.

*** Be sure to press 'c' every time a new value is specified or after the 'f' key; otherwise the equations will not be recalculated. ***

The x-offset and z-offset is built into this program to enable the user to find good values for the offsets in the rotation function. These offsets shift the mask horizontally while it is rotating in an attempt to shift the axis of rotation.

The movie function allows the user to view the Mask as it goes through a series of changing parameters without having to change the parameters manually. To access the movie, press 'm.'
The initial and final values for the three parameters can be changed as before. Press 'm' to continue. The movie cycles through each of the three parameters separately, resetting the previous parameter before continuing on to the next one. The values are first increased and then decreased.

*** Final note: Because of the equations used to change the parameter values, they cannot be increased or decreased from zero just by pressing and holding down the alphabetic key on the keyboard. A number other than zero must be explicitly entered in from the keyboard first. ***

You are now ready to begin exploring the Lorenz Mask.

