At this point, I decided that to circumvent the memory problems, I could have Mathematica output the score files for CSOUND to use. Mathematica could do all the computation related to the Cellular Automata -- the score file it would output would just indicate when and how to play what instrument.
In addition to circumventing the problem with memory, this also made it much easier to create complicated sounds. Not only is creating complicated sounds easier in CSOUND, but many developers freely distribute their orchestra files on the web, so I could easily add more complicated sounds.
I also created an interface function you can use for generating the CSOUND score files. The function is CSound1DBW. It takes three 4 parameters. First, the name of the file to output to. Second, rule number. Third, the width of the Cellular Automata. And fourth, the number of time frames to use. For example:
It also takes the Visual and Last options, like the other Mathematica functions I created.
I got a rough framework for this set-up, and then switched gears to using C++ instead of Mathematica.
For more details on what I did with CSOUND, see my Mathematica code as well as my CSOUND notes.