Lab Work F6. Question: Question 1. Find the composition of two dilatations, $f = \delta_{P,s}\delta_{Q,t}$? Hint: Apply this transformation to a test point $X$ i.e. $Y = Q + t(X-Q)$, $Z= P+s(Y-P)$, substitute! Answer: $Z =(P+sQ-stQ-sP )+(st)X$, If $st \ne 1$ then $r:=st$, $M = \frac{(P+sQ-rQ-sP )}{1-st} $ $Z= (1-r)M + rX$ therefore $f =\delta_{M,r}$ Question 2: What is this composition when $st=1$? $f(X) = (P+sQ-Q-sP)+X = X + D$ where $D=(1-s)(P-Q)$ Question 3: What if $P=Q$? Answer: $f(X) = (1-r)Q + rX $ therefore $\delta_{Q,s}\delta_{Q,t}=\delta_{Q,st} $ Question 4: What if $s=t=-1$?