Please substitute your netid wherever you see the sample netid "ivanho2".

Semester Project

Your project is incomplete unless all of the following requirements are met.

Class work other than project

In the root of your project (i.e. class198f16/ivanho2/), but in the public_html/ submit of all the work you did for the course. For example, the best example(s) you created in DPGraph, Turtlegraphics, VPython, PyOGL, Javascript etc, even if you do not refer to it specifically on your webpage (and therefore is not be included in class198f16/ianho2/public_html). This material is useful for me and the mentors in evaluating your contributions to the course.

How public is public

Remember that only class198f16/ivanhoe/public_html will be reachable from the web. A copy separate from the repository of this folder will be published on the web, after the end of the semester. There will be no way to reach your repository from the web. If any changes should be made on your webpage, you need to contact me.

Reasons for the above requirements

Here are the principles from which the above requirements follow, and on which basis the requirements can be ammended.