The BASIC code in Sinewheel says that the parametrization of a circle with center at $(x_0,y_0)$ and radius $r$ is $(x,y) = (x_0 + r\cos(\theta), y_0 + r\sin(\theta))$ where $ 0 \le \theta \le 2\pi$. The variable "X" represents $\theta$ in degrees, to make it easier taking steps of 6 degrees. The program draws the radius, followed by a line from $(x,y)$ to $(x+r\theta, y)$ to $(x+r\theta, y_0)$. The corners appear to trace out the sine-fuction, $\eta =\sin(\xi)$ on a positive $\xi$-axis starting at $(x_0 + r, y_0)$, appropriately scaled. Note that to avoid confusing the two coordinate systems, we chose Roman for the screen coordinates and Greek for the graph of the sine-function.