1 student: Give a short (5-7min) report on Voronoi-Delaunay Duality. (See ./papers/liebling-pournin.pdf .) Do a web search, note useful urls. Is this duality related to the classical duality (look it up) of the Platonic solids: tetrahedron is self-dual, hexahedron (cube) dual to octahedron, dodecahedron dual to the icosahedron. 2 student: Contact Noel DeJarnette about programming the IGL paper cutter to produce lots of Conway rhombi to assemble. Look up the angles for the two kinds of rhombi. Find a convenient edge size (both have the same) to use the sheets of paper efficiently. The size should be between 1 and 2 inches to handle easily. Make the skinny a different color than the fat. Make about 20 each. 3 student: Figure out how to build toothpick 3D rhombs (bricks). Fast drying epoxy putty (art store ?) makes good joints. But how to insure the angles are right? Eliana (?): DeBruin's paper on the multi-grid method for defining 2D quasicrystals. (See ./papers/debruijnPenrose.pdf)