Last edited 27mar09 but corrected 12aug19 by
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Schedule for Friday afternoon at BIC (Cube).

Map from Campus to BIC (=CAVE and Cube) for Friday and Sunday.
And to 801 S Anderson where the party will Friday at 7pm.

Transportation to/from
BIC Friday at 12, 3 and 5 ----- TBA
the Party at 6:45 and 10 pm -- TBA
BIC Sunday at TBA ------TBA

Here is the schedule as submitted to the AMS.

Here is a current list of speakers with linked submitted or tentative abstracts.

Thomas J. Banchoff, Brown University, and Michael Schwarz , U Illinois
"Interactive Geometry Illustrations for Teaching, Research, and Publication"

Peter Brinkmann, City College New York
"Real-time Interactive Visualization and Sonification with jReality"

J. Scott Carter, University of Southern Alabama
"An explicit sphere eversion"

Ulises Cervantes-Pimentel, Wolfram Research, Champaign, IL
"Mathematical modelling and visualization with Mathematica"

Herbert Edelsbrunner, Duke University
"The stability of folds"

George Francis, University of Illinois, Urbana and Tony Robbin, Gilboa, New York
"Virtual installations of quasicrystalline structures in 3-space"

Stewart Dickson, University of Illinois and Paul J. Steinhardt, Princeton University
"Illustrating the Endless Universe"

Andrew J. Hanson, Indiana University
"Experiencing the fourth dimension"

John Hart, University of Illinois
"It's nice to see this stuff actually used for something"

Stuart Levy , NCSA, and William Davis , University of Illinois
"Partiview in the Cube"

Colin McKinney , University of Iowa
"Archytas of Tarentum: Savior to the Delians"

Dennis Roseman, University of Iowa
"Sequences of permutations and families of such sequences"

Ivan Sterling, Josef Dorfmeister, Thomas Ivey Saint Mary's College of Maryland
"Visualizing Pseudo-Spherical Cone Points"