Unknowns: getvaluator(MOUSE) redo for mouse function Rotor.C lines 42 and 43 getsize Rotor.C line 46 Main.C 118 getorigin Rotor.C line 47 Main.C 119 keepaspect Main.C line 146 prefposition Main.C line 147 winopen Main.C line 148 winconstraints Main.C line 150 qdevice Main.c lines 156 to 176 and line 276 no longer needed! RGBmode Main.C line 275 reshapeviewport Main.C line 549 - not supported by web page tell mouse callback a temporary variable to use initally, then use equivocations: getmatrix can be glGet(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX) or GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX) in Rotor.C line 69 useing GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX doublebuffer - probably enables double buffering, changed to ChoosePixelFormat which might or might not have the desired effect in Main.C line 275 swapbuffers to SwapBuffers... needs to specify a device context and so... just converted in conversion... Main.C line 599 NOTES: gconfig not needed with Open GL, removed call from Main.C line 275 probably need to rework the whole keyboard while loop in Main.C pause/unpause already implemented??? Main.C line 528