Class Project for Math 285.  17 Nov 99

See below for a different format for projects involving computer programs.

(1) Submit two (2) copies of your report and the progress report, if it was
returned to you. I will keep one copy of your report and return the other
copy, with corrections, and the progress report before the end of the

(2) The first page of your report should have your name, your NETID, the
course, the instructor, and the date of submission in the upper right hand
corner; the title in the middle in prominent type (boldface, larger, or at
least underlined), followed by the abstract, single space and in smaller type
if possible.

(3) The body of your report may continue on the first page, or start it on
the second page. Only mathematical or scientific expressions and formulas may
be hand written if your word processor is not well adapted for typing such
symbols. You may use standard typewritten abbreviations such as  z = sqrt(x^2
+ y^2)  or A[v_1,v_2,v_3], but otherwise do not invent such abbreviations on
your own. Write the formulas by hand.

(4) At the end of the report enter the references first, and the bibliography
second, so marked. All citations (cited references) belong among the
references, and all entries in the references must have been cited.
Everything else you collected, whether looked at or not, belong into the
bibliography. Do not repeat items in the references in the bibliography. For
the citations,
 enough page or chapter information must be supplied, either in the body or
in the references section, to permit a reader to find them.  A reference to
hard copy has a title, author, publisher or journal, and date of publication.
A webpage reference must have the complete url, and the name of the
author/responsible webkeeper if that is possible. Oral refences should be by
name and function.  (e.g. "roomate", "labpartner", "instructor in EE123"

(5) If your project involves a computer the body of the report needs
additional information. Give brief instructions on how to operate your
program. It must be possible for me to run your program even in your absence.
You should also submit an ``annotated'' printout of the code in an appendix.
By "annotated"  Imean hand written entries in the whitespace that helps
reading your code. For example, for a section that does I/O, or bookkeeping,
it suffices to say briefly what it does. But a mathematical section of the
code should have a hand written formula in standard mathematical notation
that does the same thing as your coded expression. It is not necessary (but
you are welcome )to discuss the background, the rationale or the theory
behind your program.  To save paper, you need only submit one copy of your
code which I will keep. At all events, your program needs to be on one of the
disks in the grafiXlab before the project is considered to be complete.

PS: I will spend most of Thursday in the grafiXlab (except 10-11) and there
will be other people you can consult.

(6) Deadline. The official deadline is Monday 22 November 99. You have until
Tuesday afternoon at 5pm (when the Math office closes) to get your report to
my mailbox in 250 AH before it is considered "late". I will not be in town on
Tuesday, so all arrangements for extensions for serious reasons need to be
made before 2pm Monday 22 Nov.