program index: dinoshade - example for camera control (click drag for camera angle) platform - 3d plane and camera controls platform1 - moving spheres with fake collisions platform5 - glitchy but real collisions and new ground plane platform6 - glitchy wire frame floor and sphere collision platform7 - stable flat ground plane collision platform9 - cleaned up curved floor collision FinalA - flat plane collisions with loxodromic spheres FinalB - curved plane collisions with loxodromic spheres with a higher frame rate due to new ground collision test others: glut32.dll - glut; these programs also need OpenGL - make file...? for platform_.c and final_.c camera controls: observor starts looking at vertical axis near the origin. w - move forward a - strafe left s - move backward d - strafe right i - look up j - look left k - look down l - look right q ("esc" in certain versions)- quit cannot input multiple keyboard commands at once.