A delayed message sender

The LaterActor stores a message destined for another actor, along with a delay time. It sends the message after the specified amount of time has elapsed.

A single LaterActor can hold multiple messages, so you never need to create more than one LaterActor.

To use the LaterActor, load later.so and create an actor of type LaterActor.

LaterActor messages

In addition to the messages understood by all actors, the LaterActor understands the following message:
AddMessage hActor delay msg
Store the message msg (everything between delay and the semicolon, in a .aud file) to be sent delay seconds from the receipt of this message.


LoadDSO later.so;
later = Create LaterActor;
Sending a parameter-update message for a sound:
make "tweet" silent, 2 seconds from now.

tweet = BeginSound myActor;
AddMessage later 2 SetAmp tweet 0;

Calling another message group (faking an AUDupdate()):
5 seconds from now, invoke message group foo with no parameters;
5 seconds after that, invoke bar with an array of floats.

foo = Create MessageGroup;
bar = Create MessageGroup;
AddMessage later 10 SendData bar [ 3.1416 2.71828 42.000 ];
AddMessage later 5 SendData foo [0]; // The 0 is ignored, but necessary.

It doesn't matter that those two AddMessage lines are "out of order". The LaterActor will sort it out and do the right thing at the right time.

Sending a delayed message from within a message group:
when AUDupdate("zip") happens, 2 seconds later make "tweet" silent.

zip = Create MessageGroup;
tweet = BeginSound myActor;
AddMessage zip AddMessage later 2 SetAmp tweet 0;

Read this as: To the message group "zip", add the following message: "AddMessage later 2 SetAmp tweet 0". (That message happens to contain another "AddMessage" command, but no big deal, I learned what char ** meant in my introductory C programming class years ago.) The added message then means, as usual, "set the amplitude of tweet to zero, 2 seconds from now."

Sending a delayed message from within a message group, fancier:
when AUDupdate("zip") happens, use its first argument as the new amplitude of tweet and the second argument for how long to wait before changing the amplitude.

zip = Create MessageGroup;
tweet = BeginSound myActor;
AddMessage zip AddMessage later *1 SetAmp tweet *0;

Exactly the same as the previous example, except the constants have become variables.