Perry Cook's Brass Physical Model

The brass suite (brassActor, brassHand, brassAlg) makes calls into Perry Cook's STK synthesis toolkit.

To use the brass implementation, load and create an actor of type BrassActor.

BrassActor messages

In addition to the messages understood by all generator actors, the BrassActor understands the following messages:
SetReverb hActor x
Turn on reverb for new instances created by this actor to x. (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)
SetAllReverb hActor x
Turn on reverb of all children to x, and set the default reverb flag for all future children. (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)
SetBreathPressure hActor x
Set the breath pressure for new instances created by this actor to x.
SetAllBreathPressure hActor x time
Set the breath pressure of all children to x, and set the default breath pressure for all future children. If time is specified, children will modulate to the new breath pressure over the specified duration. Default breath pressure is always set immediately regardless of time.
SetFreq hActor x
Set the frequency (in Hertz) for new instances created by this actor to x.
SetAllFreq hActor x time
Set the frequency (in Hertz) of all children to x, and set the default frequency (in Hertz) for all future children. If time is specified, children will modulate to the new frequency over the specified duration. Default frequency is always set immediately regardless of time.
SetVibGain hActor x
Set the vibrato gain for new instances created by this actor to x.
SetAllVibGain hActor x time
Set the vibrato gain of all children to x, and set the default vibrato gain for all future children. If time is specified, children will modulate to the new vibrato gain over the specified duration. Default vibrato gain is always set immediately regardless of time.
SetLipTension hActor x
Set the lip tension for new instances created by this actor to x.
SetAllLipTension hActor x time
Set the lip tension of all children to x, and set the default lip tension for all future children. If time is specified, children will modulate to the new lip tension over the specified duration. Default lip tension is always set immediately regardless of time.
SetSlideLength hActor x
Set the slide length for new instances created by this actor to x.
SetAllSlideLength hActor x time
Set the slide length of all children to x, and set the default slide length for all future children. If time is specified, children will modulate to the new slide length over the specified duration. Default slide length is always set immediately regardless of time.
SetVibFreq hActor x
Set the vibrato frequency for new instances created by this actor to x.
SetAllVibFreq hActor x time
Set the vibrato frequency of all children to x, and set the default vibrato frequency for all future children. If time is specified, children will modulate to the new vibrato frequency over the specified duration. Default vibrato frequency is always set immediately regardless of time.

brass handler messages

In addition to the messages understood by all handlers, the handler for the brass algorithm understands the following messages:
SetReverb hSound x
Turn on reverb to x. (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)
SetBreathPressure hSound x time
Set the breath pressure to x. If time is specified, modulate to the new breath pressure over the specified duration.
SetFreq hSound x time
Set the frequency to x. If time is specified, modulate to the new frequency over the specified duration.
SetVibGain hSound x time
Set the vibrato gain to x. If time is specified, modulate to the new vibrato gain over the specified duration.
SetLipTension hSound x time
Set the lip tension to x. If time is specified, modulate to the new lip tension over the specified duration.
SetSlideLength hSound x time
Set the slide length to x. If time is specified, modulate to the new slide length over the specified duration.
SetVibFreq hSound x time
Set the vibrato frequency to x. If time is specified, modulate to the new vibrato frequency over the specified duration.