BasicIterator Actor

We recommend using the LoopActor instead of the BasicIterator.

The BasicIterator can send linearly progressive/regressive or random data in messages to a message group at designated time interval. The following image illustrate the output of the iterator with several controllable parameters:

 To use the BasicIterator implementation, load and create an actor of type BasicIterator.

BasicIterator Actor messages

In addition to the messages understood by all actors, the BasicIterator understands the following messages:
SetMessageGroup hActor name
Assign a message group to send the ticks to. The argument name is a string.
SetTimeIncrement hActor timeIncr
Set the duration of the clock tick. The argument timeIncr has a range of [-1e+09, 1e+09] and defaults to 0. It has an optional trailing time argument (in seconds).
SetDataIncrement hActor dataIncr
This gets sent to the message group as an argument. The argument dataIncr has a range of [-1e+09, 1e+09] and defaults to 0. It has an optional trailing time argument (in seconds).
SetDataStart hActor dataStart
Starting value of the data. If random data is to be sent, dataStart indicates the lower bound of random number generation. The argument dataStart has a range of [-1e+09, 1e+09] and defaults to 0.
SetDataEnd hActor dataEnd
Terminal value of data, causing the iterator to end. If random data is to be sent, dataEnd indicates the upper bound of random number generation. The argument dataEnd has a range of [-1e+09, 1e+09] and defaults to 0.
SetData hActor dataValue
Set the data value immediately. The argument dataValue has a range of [-1e+09, 1e+09] and defaults to 0.
SetDuration hActor timeEnd
Time's-up value. Iterator stops when the clock gets this far. The argument timeEnd has a range of [-1e+09, 1e+09] and defaults to 0.
SetIterationLimit hActor iterationLimit
Iterator stops after this many iterations. The argument iterationLimit has a range of [-1000000000, 1000000000] and defaults to 0.
EnableDataEnd hActor enableDataEnd
Enable or disable iterator-ending because of data value. The argument enableDataEnd takes logical value as 0 or 1 and defaults to 0.
EnableDurationEnd hActor enableDurationEnd
Enable or disable iterator-ending because time's up. The argument enableDurationEnd takes logical value as 0 or 1 and defaults to 0.
EnableIterationLimit hActor enableIterationLimit
(Guess). The argument enableIterationLimit takes logical value as 0 or 1 and defaults to 0.
SetLoop hActor numloops
-1 = forever, 0 = never, 1 = once, x = x times. The argument numloops has a range of [-1, 1000000000] and defaults to 1.
SetSwing hActor enableSwing
If true, swing back and forth instead of jumping back to the start. The argument enableSwing takes logical value as 0 or 1 and defaults to 0.
SetRandom hActor enableRandom
Enable or disable random number generation. The argument enableRandom takes logical value as 0 or 1 and defaults to 0. If true, data to be sent out will be random numbers lies in the range set by SetDataStart and SetDataEnd. Iterator will not end because of data value even if EnableDataEnd is true because it doesn't make sense.
SetSeed hActor seed
Set seed for random number generator, specifically, drand48(). Using the same seed will generate exactly the same random sequence.