Greetings, I am student of Mathematics at Rose-Hulman Institute of technology during the normal school year, but during the summer to 2008 I attended the Geometric visualizations in Virtual Environments REU hosted by George Francis and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the experience to which this website pertains.
The motivation for this project comes from the observation that beginners tend to over correct in any control system. This comes from the fact that beginners model the control system only as immediate stimulus-response, negating all temporal behavior. Since nobody spends thousands of hours in any single VR environment everyone is a beginner thus some form of "Look Ahead" would be useful. The Look Ahead system should be some sort of visual indicator of what will happen if the user continues operating the controls in the same manner. Some sort of look ahead would be incredibly useful for many things outside the cave, from videogames to mastering flight. In fact the navy implemented a "Look Ahead" system in the 1950's using vacuum tubes to help train submarine pilots with much success.
I was able to create a lookAhead system by using a second order prediction of the next input and propagating that value though several time steps. The primary lookAhead system is written in C++ as a class called LookAhead. This allows for it to be implemented in the majority of SZG programs without worrying about function and variable names along with many other benefits, there is also a C version for those that don't like the class structure.
Some images of lookAhead in action:
The lookAhead system can be found here.
znailLA (the latest and greatest implementation)
All of the above require lookAhead.cpp and lookAhead.h.
Click here for more information about implementing the lookAhead system in your program.
I am one of the team members contributing to the study of sub nil geometry. More information about the project can be found here, the website of the SPI Lisa Hickok.
I have created a sub nil space in which one navigate in standard Euclidian space to see the tangent planes at various points in this sub nil geometry.
A windows executable can be found here.