Summer Research Experience: illiMath2004
10 June - 2 August
Program Directors:
George Francis and
Peter Brinkmann
In this program students with strong interest and some experience in mathematical graphics participate in research programs of their associated mentor (AM). The program provides the facilities (and any necessary training in their use) for the student to assist their AM in creating visual materials illustrating research in a variety of media, including the production of custom soft-ware, web-pages, animations, print quality images and virtual environments (CAVE and CUBE). The program also provides the student with tutorials in the mathematical background and lectures by specialists in the subjects of their projects. Similar REU programs, illiMath2002 and illiMath2001 and Audible Sketchpad for the CAVE, were conducted for the past three years.
Please check the Math Department pages for details on applying and getting paid.